Embark on the ‘Kaiko Kobe’ local factory tour in Nagata and Hyogo, where skilled artisans and rich traditions in shoemaking and ironworking come to life.
A factory is not just a place of creation; it’s where connections between people unfold. Join us for the fascinating story of how delicate yet dynamic craftsmanships persist and adapt across generations.
We sincerely look forward to receiving your valuable feedback to enhance our future programs. If you would like to participate as a tester, please apply through the following link. In case of a large number of applications, there may be a selection process. For more details, please check this website.
January 12-13, 2024 10AM – 5PM
Nagata Ward, Kobe (Within 1.5 km range of Shin-Nagata Station)
●Participant Requirements
・ Foreign Residency
・ Willingness to visit at least two locations and respond to a post-event survey
● Compensation: 5,000yen
Compensation will be provided on the day at the Information Counter.
●Inquiries: KOBE OPEN FACTORY Executive Office
Email: contact@kaikohkobe.com
●Application Form: https://forms.gle/gn5nmuypRYGBKnnU8
ものづくりの 町、長田/兵庫。靴づくりや鉄工業など 、古くから続く職人の技術 は、今でも形を変えながら若い世代へと受け継 が れています。
ものが生まれる工 場 で 、人と人との出会いも生まれるように 。
2024年1月12日(金)および13日(土) 10:00 – 17:00
Email: contact@kaikohkobe.com